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A Toast to the Old You!

It’s that time of year again, “New Year, New Me!” Whether you want to try to quit a vice, or exercise more or learn to set healthy boundaries, New Year’s Resolutions can be a chance to forgive, to forget and rejuvenate. It can be a chance to put the past behind and start fresh.

By the time the third week of January comes around, which can feel like an eternity itself, you’ve more than likely given up. Not because your intentions weren’t there, but more often than not, the resolutions were either excessively difficult, so they quickly became unreachable, or they were too easy and you became quickly bored with them. This has been my experience.

From someone who was a resolution maker (and breaker), New Year’s Resolutions don’t have to be this way. They don’t need to weigh us down with guilt for not being able to accomplish something that is commonly based on negative emotions: things about yourself you aren't satisfied with or happy about. New Year does not have to mean, New Me! You are enough!

In the words of another:

“If you feel inspired to use the new year to help you reset or change habits: great. And yet – The old you has survived every terrible day, every hard thing, every awful circumstance, and every heartbreak you’ve ever felt. The OLD YOU is a FIGHTER and that’s worth celebrating.” – Emily McDowell

Here are 10 Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Create a bucket list for the year

  2. Do a 4-day, 10-day or 30-day challenge or establish a new goal each month

  3. Create a list of things you are looking forward to

  4. Create a list of what you would like to let go of or leave behind, then rip it up or burn it at the beach

  5. Pick one word, quality, mantra, or theme to focus on for the year

  6. Choose one project to do

  7. Make an evening out pf it! For example, have a bath, light a candle, journal, etc… whatever feels good for you

  8. Pick one area of your life to give some extra love to

  9. Write a personal mission statement or a letter to your future self

  10. Track your healthy habits. What are you already doing?


Ask Rose-Ann is meant to offer helpful resources and info about violence against women, homelessness, mental health and/or substance misuse. It may help to hear validation from a violence against women advocate or find a support group of other survivors. Connect with us to see what services are available to you.

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