Campbell River and North Island Transition Society
Ann Elmore House is a short-term shelter for women (and their dependent children) who are at risk of violence or abuse.
24-HOUR HELP LINE: 250-286-3666
TOLL FREE: 1-800-667-2188
*NEW* 24-Hour TEXT-ONLY Help Line: 250-895-1773
Ann Elmore House provides shelter for women and their children in need of safety from all forms of abuse. Women can expect from their stay in a Safety Bed at Ann Elmore House...
​Confidentiality, respect, acceptance, and understanding
A comfortable environment, food, and their basic personal needs met
Information, support, counselling, and referrals
Support groups
An on-site Child and Youth Support Worker
24-hour staffing
Wheelchair access
For non-resident women and their children there is a 24-hour help line (250-286-3666), support groups, information, and referrals.
Campbell River and North Island Transition Society
Ann Elmore House offers non-medical substance withdrawal and/or stabilization of psychiatric distress symptoms in the form of Quick Response Beds. A woman can stay in a Quick Response Bed for a maximum of 14 days with a referral from a Campbell River Mental Health and Substance Use Counsellor or a Crisis Nurse at Campbell River General Hospital.
Ann Elmore House also provides a safe, supportive environment for the early stages of a woman's recovery from substance misuse in what is called their Supportive Recovery Program. A woman can stay in the Supportive Recovery Program for a maximum of 28 days with a referral from a Campbell River Mental Health and Substance Use Counsellor.

The Ann Elmore House has been providing safety to women and children in Campbell River and the North Island for 34 years. The newly created Pet Program has launched as a way to reduce barriers for women that are fleeing abuse, allowing them to leave an abusive relationship, find safety and the support needed.
When there is violence in the home, it can be directed at the pets as well as at the partners and children who live there. Pet abuse is one the of forms of intimidation, power, and control behaviors, used by an abuser.
Approximately 57% of Canadian households – 7.5 million households- have a companion animal. The connection between a person and their pet is an integral part of the social safety net. We know that many women will delay leaving an abuser for fear of their pet’s safety should they leave the pet behind.
We are in the process of creating a safe space that will allow women, with or without children, the ability to stay at the house with their pets.
We have received two grants, one from Campbell River Community Foundation and the other from BC Hydro, that will allow us to implement and sustain this new project for one year. That funding is providing fencing, gravel and some supplies to implement this new project. Some supplies and costs that are still needed is potential vet care costs if the animal is in poor health or has sustained injuries in the process of fleeing from the abuser, and food for the pet, chances are the women will likely flee without any supplies for the animal.
Our goal is to raise $5000 so that we will have the ability to continue this service and reduce those barriers for women that are fleeing abuse. While at the house, pets will not only receive love and care from their family but also any veterinary care that might be needed. Ensuring that they are free from harm!
We truly appreciate your support. Thank you for bringing pets to safety

Testimonies from Past Clients
"I have never felt so supported, cared for and comforted, or accepted ever. Thank you so much. You have helped me become strong again."
"I would recommend to any and all trans women that this is a safe and respectful place to be. The kindness of all staff was beyond my expectations always!"
"I really appreciate Ann Elmore House and am grateful to all of the staff for their compassion and support. You offer an important service to woman who would otherwise be stuck in unsafe situations."