Campbell River and North Island
Transition Society
Fundraising and Events
CRNITS relies on incredible support from fundraising events throughout the year to provide services for women, with or without children, fleeing violence, impacted by homelessness, mental health challenges and/or impacted by substance misuse.
Sponsorships play a vital role in the success of our fundraising events and is a great way to enhance your corporate philanthropy.
By participating in an event or initiative, you can help women in your community receive the appropriate services, safety and housing.
Why support vulnerable Women ?
Receiving the appropriate services, safety and housing while having someone walk their journey beside them is the catalyst for change for our clients!
CRNITS provides more than just a safe shelter. It provides a community of support and continuum of services. The Society assists women who are fleeing abuse and seeking emergency shelter at the Ann Elmore Transition House, or at one of our remote safe homes. Our counselling services benefit women who are overcoming trauma and other challenges, while our supportive recovery program addresses substance misuse issues. Women who are unsheltered or struggling through poverty benefit from our Rose Harbour’s Supportive Transitional Housing & Women’s Change Program and from supportive resources and poverty relief available at our Drop-in Women's Resource Centre.
For more than 30 years CRNITS has worked to improve and implement new services directly related to the issues of violence against women. Our services provide immediate response for those in imminent danger, and longer-term response for those working to heal the effects of violence and abuse. Together, with your help, we can continue to provide programs and services to women, children and our community. But the cost to accommodate over 4,400 women, with or without children, per year is expensive and isn’t possible without the generosity of people and businesses like you.
Call or Text:
Emergency Sexual Assault Response Program
Transition Society
If you are in need of crisis and/or emotional support, please phone:
VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available across B.C. and the Yukon.
Real Stories
CRNITS provides more than just a safe shelter. It provides a community of support and continuum of services. Read and watch the unique experiences from our clients, volunteers, and more.
The Clothesline Project
The Clothesline Project takes place in communities all over the world and is hosted locally by the Campbell River and North Island Transition Society. All members of the community are invited to view a powerful display of decorated t-shirts created by people who have been affected by abuse and the opportunity to decorate a t-shirt on the clothesline.
​16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and goes until December 10, the Human Rights Day. This campaign started in 1991 to call out and speak up on gender-based violence, and to renew our commitment to ending violence against women, girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ individuals.
More Ways to get Involved:
Community Events
Our local community events make it possible to continue offering programs and services to those most vulnerable in our community. We are so grateful for their help!